CHAI-Joint project

Clever corrosion management for ports and waterways in Schleswig-Holstein using automated infrastructure monitoring

Corrosion leads to the impairment and loss of function of structural components in maritime areas. In Schleswig-Holstein, these areas include the harbour in Kiel and the flood gate in Brunsbüttel. Although coating systems help to mitigate the effects of corrosion, they can be impaired by a wide variety of influencing factors leading to corrosion-damages damage and material fatigue.
As this is associated with immense costs, the integrity of such coating systems and steel structures must be extensively monitored in order to detect damage early on and assess the severity. However, scheduled maintenance and inspection of infrastructures is associated with high costs. Towards this end, the CHAI project is developing methods that allow the introduction of a predictive maintenance strategy. The overarching objective is therefore to detect (critical) damage as early as possible and to prioritise it in terms of maintenance requirements, effort and costs.
It was observed that the locally dependent water quality can influence the stages of corrosion that occur, renders standardised monitoring very challenging. As part of the project, the partners strive to establish the necessary infrastructure for monitoring environmental conditions and detecting and assessing corrosion damage at two locations. The collected data obtained will also serve as a training database for the development of data-driven prediction models for estimating maintenance intervals.

The CHAI project is funded by the Staatskanzlei of Schleswig-Holstein as part of the „Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz in Schleswig-Holstein" funding scheme.

CHAI project logo: cup with a floating ship and the letter C as a handle
Use of artificial intelligence in Schleswig-Holstein
Project start 01.06.2024
Project end 31.05.2027
Total budget 900.000 Euro
Partners SEEHAFEN KIEL GmbH & Co. KG (DE),
  Christian-Albrechts-Universität (DE),
  AC Korro-Service GmbH (DE)
Logo of the State of Schleswig-Holstein, The Minister President, State Chancellery: SH letters, heraldic animal and figurative mark
You can see Dirk-Schrödter, Minister of Digitalisation of the State of Schleswig-Holstein, in Kiel harbour. In the background: quayside with fenders and gangway
Thomas Hardt, Head of Technology PORT OF KIEL with grant notification and Dirk Schrödter, Minister for Digitisation SH
Example technology
You can see project participants as a group with the 4 grant notifications in their hands.


Lars Gummels

Director IT
Chief Information Officer

T +49 431 9822-0

Julia Reichel

Head of

T +49 431 9822-104